DH finally is finishing up our guest closet.
Click here
for that link to see the PICTURES!
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cloche for my shells!
I got a wonderful gift from my friend Judith yesterday! What a special week for me! I had this wooden stand made from a candle holder and a cheese board. I had the short cheese/cloche on top, and I tried the new etched glass one that Judith gave me. Great fit! This one is taller, so I will be able to display something taller in it now and with the etching on the glass it makes whatever I put in there more special! She has been teaching me how to take better pictures. She is such a wonderful gal! Thanks Judith, I just love it!
(Also in the picture is a small jar with lavender from my yard, and dried leeks in the tall jar from our vegetable garden)

(Also in the picture is a small jar with lavender from my yard, and dried leeks in the tall jar from our vegetable garden)

I moved the cloche to the guest room and added a bird on a stand from Pier One and will add more shells.

Pumkins! Mercury Glass

The mailman brought me a package this week. I didn't order it! It was a wonderful gift from my friend Chris! It was such a wonderful surprise I had to call her right away to tell her how excited I was! It was 3 beautiful mercury glass-style pumpkins from Wisteria! I thought it would be a great opportunity to photograph them this morning as I was preparing to have some tea and a scone (baked date & pecan yesterday) Thank you so much Chris, I love them!
I introduced these treasures to my tea set. I also ran out into the yard to pick some dusty miller and magnolia branches to have greenery on the tray. I do not do much for fall decoration, but Chris really got me excited about those pumpkins!
I just had to have them pose in a few ways for me!
Here is the picture including my strawberries and scones. They sure were good! But somehow the setting made them taste even better!
Thanks again to Chris who made me feel extra special this week for no reason! And she always is such a great friend!

Other tea time posts link here.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My RL Polo knockoff linen part 2!
Ralph Lauren Linen Part I link for reference
Master Bedroom. Trying out the other pieces I have gathered to pull this room together.
This morning I was playing with the faux books I got at TJMaxx yesterday. I wanted to 'age' them a bit and put a layer of wax on them so they would have a dull sheen and be protected. I wanted to use them as a lift for my lamp.
This shot shows the side of the book that would be the pages. There was only solid gold color on this part, so I dry brushed some steaks and made lots of pencil lines! I also put black paint on the deeper parts of the texture (has light texturing on the cover part) and then lighter sepia brown on the raised parts and in the corners to show wear type markings.
This picture shows the cover and how the black and lighter browns made the book seem like it ahd deeper texturing. ($9 each at TJM).
This picture shows the lamp and some items I gathered to make a vignette on the night stand. This is a buffet table I had and it just slid in this spot (44" wide). I had this mahogany candle holder for years and just waited for the right moment to use it. DH drilled a hole in the metal piece that holds a taper candle and inserted a thick copper wire for me. I wanted to mount a real shell on it.
This morning I picked up a real starfish that I wanted to put on the table and decided it would fit on that wire!
This picture shows a standing a bit further back to show that night stand with a bit of the new bedding I am making (RL knockoff) to see how they looked together. The bed is not made, I just put everything on the bed quickly to take a picture and a feel for how all the parts go together.
The bedding is not complete (the bedskirt is the old turquoise one) will be replacing it. This gives me a view of what prospective homebuyers will see as they approach this 'staged' Master bedroom.
Master Bedroom. Trying out the other pieces I have gathered to pull this room together.
This morning I was playing with the faux books I got at TJMaxx yesterday. I wanted to 'age' them a bit and put a layer of wax on them so they would have a dull sheen and be protected. I wanted to use them as a lift for my lamp.
This morning I picked up a real starfish that I wanted to put on the table and decided it would fit on that wire!
Monday, September 8, 2008
MY thoughts on decorating my home
I wrote this in March 16, 05. I wanted to post it here.
Because your home remodeling project is so personal to you and you have invested so much energy, thought, research into your project, the stakes are high when the dollar amounts are revealed to you. This is where you ‘sink or swim’. You must learn how to stay afloat amidst the rubble of samples, swatches and price quotes! Keep a level head and don’t let on that you don’t know what you are doing. Why? Because that is what the other side is doing as well! Ah, you see there is no mystery!
There is NO grand mystery to getting a project done, no matter what size it is! If you have ever organized your closet, pantry, kid’s school lunch box, or family picture album, you can master a project. To me the best way I think of the description of what to do is to describe what you do every day that is similar. Divide and conquer! Break down the larger jobs into small tasks like steps. Then go through them as if it were one step at a time with the ultimate goal of having the project cross the finish line.
Today’s laundry equipment makes doing the wash more complicated than driving your car! You gather the laundry out of the dryer and then put like objects with like. All of your husband’s things together, socks of same color together, then you have all the wash cycle choices, the temperatures, the amounts of rinse cycles, the speed of spin, well you get the idea. If you can accomplish daily tasks without stress, then you can organize anything!
Decorating is basically organizing with flair! There is no mystery. Coordinate all your functional items to harmonize and only add decorative items to fill in the empty spots, it is really that simple!
When I have a project that I really ‘get into’ I find myself lost in a different world! I really enjoy the time I spend doing it. Time just seems to stand still and the clock moves so quickly through the numbers as if they don’t have a meaning to me anymore. I love to ‘get lost’ in what I am doing (it is called ‘engaging’). And I guess that is the same approach I take to decorating. I especially like to feel something different after I change something in my home. If I add a new color for instance, I immediately feel like there is a visitor (or intrusion) in the room. When trying new colors or accessories in my home, I like to leave it alone in the room for a while and visit it once in a while to see if my mood changes towards the new object. I like to check out groupings of items with one another. I feel that the one that does not fit will stick out like a sore thumb. I won’t have to guess what fits or doesn’t fit because it will be obvious and functional items create harmony in my home.
There are times I don’t’ know what to think when it comes to my environment. After all, all we need is 4 walls, a door, a window, and a light for a room, mattress to sleep on, and a TV, phone and computer! But when the environment around me is pretty, it does something to my soul, my mood, my heart, and suits and fits me with a more complete experience. It gives me reason to smile when all else is down in my life. I feel I will be accepted and understood in this space, protected. Now that IS HOME! And HOME is what we all really want to achieve isn't it?
Because your home remodeling project is so personal to you and you have invested so much energy, thought, research into your project, the stakes are high when the dollar amounts are revealed to you. This is where you ‘sink or swim’. You must learn how to stay afloat amidst the rubble of samples, swatches and price quotes! Keep a level head and don’t let on that you don’t know what you are doing. Why? Because that is what the other side is doing as well! Ah, you see there is no mystery!
There is NO grand mystery to getting a project done, no matter what size it is! If you have ever organized your closet, pantry, kid’s school lunch box, or family picture album, you can master a project. To me the best way I think of the description of what to do is to describe what you do every day that is similar. Divide and conquer! Break down the larger jobs into small tasks like steps. Then go through them as if it were one step at a time with the ultimate goal of having the project cross the finish line.
Today’s laundry equipment makes doing the wash more complicated than driving your car! You gather the laundry out of the dryer and then put like objects with like. All of your husband’s things together, socks of same color together, then you have all the wash cycle choices, the temperatures, the amounts of rinse cycles, the speed of spin, well you get the idea. If you can accomplish daily tasks without stress, then you can organize anything!
Decorating is basically organizing with flair! There is no mystery. Coordinate all your functional items to harmonize and only add decorative items to fill in the empty spots, it is really that simple!
When I have a project that I really ‘get into’ I find myself lost in a different world! I really enjoy the time I spend doing it. Time just seems to stand still and the clock moves so quickly through the numbers as if they don’t have a meaning to me anymore. I love to ‘get lost’ in what I am doing (it is called ‘engaging’). And I guess that is the same approach I take to decorating. I especially like to feel something different after I change something in my home. If I add a new color for instance, I immediately feel like there is a visitor (or intrusion) in the room. When trying new colors or accessories in my home, I like to leave it alone in the room for a while and visit it once in a while to see if my mood changes towards the new object. I like to check out groupings of items with one another. I feel that the one that does not fit will stick out like a sore thumb. I won’t have to guess what fits or doesn’t fit because it will be obvious and functional items create harmony in my home.
There are times I don’t’ know what to think when it comes to my environment. After all, all we need is 4 walls, a door, a window, and a light for a room, mattress to sleep on, and a TV, phone and computer! But when the environment around me is pretty, it does something to my soul, my mood, my heart, and suits and fits me with a more complete experience. It gives me reason to smile when all else is down in my life. I feel I will be accepted and understood in this space, protected. Now that IS HOME! And HOME is what we all really want to achieve isn't it?
Friday, September 5, 2008
My RL Polo kockoff linen!
Ralph Lauren, linen: Here is the REAL thing! Beautiful, crisp, and very layered and interesting. Notice that my attempt (picture below lower on the page after this one) does not look as crisp (nor professional!, but mine didn't cost over $1,200!)
I could not afford that amount so I set out to do my own... a copy!
This is Hawiian Barkcloth that I love. I got this one from eBay and it has orchids instead of roses (more to my style). Can't believe how close they are in mood and color! This fabric has a nice texture ($100% cotton) that us upholstery weight.
Below is MY attempt at making this bedding! The bedding is NOT FINISHED yet! I am in progress but thought I would post this picture now.
I got (shopping with Judith!) the quilted blankets at Home Goods (a king for the king sized bed and a queen to cut up for the Euro shams).
I made my own cording (so don't look to closely at the seams!) This shows the bedding on my guest bed which is a queen. I am sewing in that room, so I wanted all the pieces there to assemble first. The white pillow has a black cording sewn on around the flange (made that by sewing on the pillow case that came with the white bedding I bought. Those pillows will have velcro closing.
The black and white striped fabric (couldn't find that exact scale online or at fabric stores in the area) so I bought black and white fabrics and cut out stripes at 3" wide and sewed them together, then added white cording.
The small pillow is just pinned closed because I was looking for leather luggage tag straps for that similar closing as the inspiration picture. I have found some on eBay, they may not be real leather, so I am waiting to find something, I might just make ties to close it till I get the right look.
In the picture the barkcloth is just folded and there is no pillow in it yet. The checked fabric is just loose (will hem that) and the black band is just a 'cumberbun' (has interfacing underneath to stiffen it) that is put on and then tucked in. They can be removed quickly to use the bed.
This bottom picture shows a pillow I made for my painted wingback chairs for the breakfast room. I made 3 of these from a bureau scarf (thick upholstery type fabric) I got a thrift store for $1.45! I used my current pillow stuffings for the interior and made the cording from cutting the sewn edge of the scarf. I think this pillow can be a good mix and match with above bedding.

Here is a lamp I picked up on sale at Kirklands that I thought would dress up this room.
And here is a picture that is a (peek) preview of what is to come in the Master Bedroom. I just had this sepia photo (allposters.com) matted and added it to one of my old frames (refinished). 

I could not afford that amount so I set out to do my own... a copy!
This is Hawiian Barkcloth that I love. I got this one from eBay and it has orchids instead of roses (more to my style). Can't believe how close they are in mood and color! This fabric has a nice texture ($100% cotton) that us upholstery weight.

I got (shopping with Judith!) the quilted blankets at Home Goods (a king for the king sized bed and a queen to cut up for the Euro shams).
I made my own cording (so don't look to closely at the seams!) This shows the bedding on my guest bed which is a queen. I am sewing in that room, so I wanted all the pieces there to assemble first. The white pillow has a black cording sewn on around the flange (made that by sewing on the pillow case that came with the white bedding I bought. Those pillows will have velcro closing.
The black and white striped fabric (couldn't find that exact scale online or at fabric stores in the area) so I bought black and white fabrics and cut out stripes at 3" wide and sewed them together, then added white cording.
The small pillow is just pinned closed because I was looking for leather luggage tag straps for that similar closing as the inspiration picture. I have found some on eBay, they may not be real leather, so I am waiting to find something, I might just make ties to close it till I get the right look.
In the picture the barkcloth is just folded and there is no pillow in it yet. The checked fabric is just loose (will hem that) and the black band is just a 'cumberbun' (has interfacing underneath to stiffen it) that is put on and then tucked in. They can be removed quickly to use the bed.

Here is a lamp I picked up on sale at Kirklands that I thought would dress up this room.

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