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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bird Hatchlings in our front yard!

Thursday, April 24th, we found a bird's nest in our front yard in a bush. The mother (so far we think they are Mockingbirds or blue birds) flew off and we went to investigate and saw brown spotted blue eggs. The next morning this is what we saw in the nest.
The next day we saw this...
And today (Saturday) we saw this! They have grown a lot in 2 days!

I checked on them this morning... shhhhh! (whispering) they are asleep! They are covered in fuzz today and move as one unit together! So cute! Sunday, April 27th, they are 3 days old. This was taken on Monday 4 days old. Below: This was taken this morning (Tuesday, April 29th) See the difference in their eyes! (5 days old) And now we are seeing feathers!

We got a quick picture of the mother. She was watching me and the nest so I went back inside.Friday, May 2nd. I got this shot of them late this afternoon when all was quiet. They are covered with soft down and feathers. They didn't budge when I came up for a picture!
Saturday, they are fluffier and have more feathers! Still sleeping a lot! One week old!

On Sunday, May 4th... look at all the feathers!

And today's picture (Tuesday, May 6th) the nest is getting smaller and smaller!

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Home Projects Blog

Visit my Home Projects Blog where I put the pictures of projects I do for my home decor. I am a thrifty decorator and do a lot of repurposing myself.
The link is permanently put on my front page to the left under the title picture!


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